Heart Hunting

Chapter 10

Poppy dials the intercom and asks for two cups of coffee.

The mellow aroma of coffee mixes with the cold air, and the warm sunshine falls on the floor through the window. The atmosphere in the office is a little weird.

The source of this weird atmosphere is Jean.

She seems to be thinking of something, and is about to speak. But she still says nothing.

"What do you want to ask, Miss Barnes?” Poppy reads her mind at a glance.

"If I may ask, do you know Mr. Kenny well?”

“Not so well.” Her words catch Poppy's attention. What does she want to do? When she sees Jean's eyes, Poppy seems to get it.

"Then why did he come to you by himself?” Jean asks curiously.

"He invited me to join Dakings Group as a legal counsel, but I have no interest, so I refused!”

"You're not interested in such an attractive man?” Jean's hostility to her is somewhat relieved.

Poppy seems to have heard a bad joke. "Not all the women have to be interested in your so-called attractive men, don’t we?"

Jean is stunned by her rhetorical question. Poppy asks tentatively, “Miss Barnes is interested in him?”

Jean's eyes have already acquiesced. Poppy swims with the current. She says with regret, "but it's a pity that he has a fiancee.”

“Who?” As expected, Jean's face changes when she hears the news. She looks a little

of Mr.Green in Greengy enterprise, her name seems to be...Ethel!”

“Ethel?!” Jean sniffs.

the conversation, poppy leaves Jean a good impression. What Jean like is the indifference in Poppy's eyes, not

the dust of her long dress and says, "you should

"It is necessary to know the client's background and case history before interviewing the client.” When talking back to work, Poppy is serious, but her eyes are still fixed on

information is not always exhaustive." She says. There seems to be a trace of melancholy in her eyes.

mind, tell me about it.”

Abbott Butler, 52, had a

"Did the police get involved in the investigation?”

issued by the forensic indicates that my husband

"Then why are you suing?”

a sudden. He didn't make a will. I should have the right to inherit half of his inheritance. But Ben, the son of he and his ex-wife, said that the company was the result of his parents' efforts. He wouldn't give

on me. He insisted that I was not qualified to inherit the heritage, and that I should move out of the mansion. But his mother has been dead for several years, and the rightful Mrs.Butler now is

and asks seriously, "did you notarize the premarital property before you and

shakes her

turns the pen in her hand and sometimes knocks it on the folder.

very difficult. So she has been searching for Poppy many

rings out, "since there is no will, and there is no premarital property notarization, according to Article 10 of Chapter II of the inheritance law, if the deceased has no legal will, the first order of inheritance should be spouse, children and then parents. You are the first legal heir, you have the right to inherit his legacy..."

her heart. She curiously interrupts, "Miss Green,

quietly, and Poppy analyses the

husband's cause of death has been involved by the police and proved by the forensic doctor. The cause of his death has nothing to do with you, so you don't need to care about Ben's untruthful remarks. Even in court, if he charges you, it doesn't constitute any legal basis!”

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