Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 29 A Head-on Blow (Part Two)

"Don't worry about that. No one can bully Hailey." Mavis patted on Harper's hand softly with a confident smile on her face. They had sent Hailey to Imperial Academy of Medicine to acquire knowledge and upgrade herself. They wanted to make Hailey absolutely suitable and up to the mark in every way before she would marry the crown prince in the future.

"Right," Harper agreed. Then she helped Mavis out of the bedroom. Just after Mavis washed her face, Sue came with Ruby. She didn't look angry.

"Good morning, Mother," Sue greeted Mavis.

"I heard Hailey would come back today?" Mavis took a cup of tea from Harper and took a sip from it.

"Yes, Mother. Hailey wrote to say that she had been missing us and would come back to live with us for a few days." Sue knelt on the floor to show her regards to Mavis.

"Where is Felicia?"

"Felicia's rash hasn't recovered yet. The doctor advised her to stay indoor as coming in contact with the wind may aggravate her skin condition. So she couldn't come to see you. Please forgive her, Mother."

Just then, several concubines came in with Yvonne and Alexandra to pay respects to Mavis.

"Good morning, Mother."

"Get up, all of you." Mavis intended to make things difficult for Sue, but she didn't want to embarrass her in front of the other concubines, so she asked Sue to get up as well.

"Good morning, Lady Sue, Harper," the concubines greeted.

Sue said in a displeased tone

Sue would do something to her daughter. Alexandra had been hiding behind Joey all the time. She was so timid that almost no one noticed

pendant quietly as if she saw nothing. Mavis uttered a few words and asked them to leave. Even Harper prepared to go away as the others left. She had

wait." Just as Harper was about to leave, Sue

what can I do for you?" Harper

and gestured for Ruby to come in. Hearing Sue's words, Ruby came in from the outside, with

offended me. So I have punished her slightly. Why did you beat her

me? Mother, can you see this? Harper is becoming more and more unreasonable. Ruby was my wet nurse and entered the mansion with me when I got married. Over the years,

her head in denial with an

You didn't? Then how did she get injured in this way?

so frightened that she trembled. "Nanny Ruby, did

them to have breakfast together. So she told me to invite Lady Harper to have breakfast with her. Unexpectedly, Lady Harper not only ignored her kindness but also beat me. Lady Harper said Lady Sue was just a concubine and had

After all, Harper had been arrogant

"Ouch, Nina, what's wrong with your

"Hey, Grandma, look! The injury on Nanny Ruby's face is almost the same as her hand. Maybe the slap made her face swollen, and it even

as she hurled a slap in Ruby's face. "How dare you frame

angry at Lady Harper. She showed disrespect to you. Please forgive me, My Lady," Ruby said

to Mother. I can't save you now. You may plead with

Sue and Ruby to win her trust. Mavis looked at Harper, and said, "It's not too much to kill a

rash action without even thinking about it. I will certainly punish her severely. Please spare her life. Harper, it's my fault. I have heard the false statement of this old woman. I thought it was you who has beaten her. Forgive me." Sue got

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