Ecstacy of the Heart

Chapter 29 Could Only Depend on Herself

Lillian suddenly reacted and was stunned. Her original suspicions became even more pronounced. Was there really something secretive happening between Allison and Alexander that couldn’t see the light of day? This thought flashed across her mind but was immediately dismissed by her.

How could Mr. Parker be attracted to this kind of woman? It must be her who was pestering him! Lillian slowly clenched her fists as she saw Allison walk away. Her heart was determined to expose this woman if she got her hands on any evidence.

“Achoo!” Allison sneezed as she felt a chill behind her as she entered the lift. Did someone miss her? She rubbed her nose but didn’t think too much of it and exited the lift when it reached the HR department.

As she walked into the common office area, a colleague walked over, “Ms. Gibson, Irene is waiting for you at her office.”

Irene? Allison tensed up and composed herself. She thanked her colleague and walked towards the supervisor’s office. Why did Irene look for her when it was almost the end of the workday? With knots in her stomach, Allison knocked on the door and entered the office.

Irene was at her desk and waved Allison in, “Come in, Allison.”

“What’s up, Irene?”

“I heard about it. Now that you had been promoted, you will take charge of the welfare gifts for this upcoming holiday. A lot of people are upset about your promotion. So, you need to handle this well to convince them of your abilities. Do you understand?”

What Irene said made Allison tense up and she nodded, “Yes Irene, I understand.”

She could feel the change in the attitudes of her colleagues toward her. Therefore, this task was critical for her. She also wanted to prove herself with this task.

“You are also clear of my temper.


bring this to your attention. Don’t get

out of the office

accomplish anything, but her

barbeque tonight and postponing the

as you wish. We don’t have


heard the lively conversation and saw

with an idea and walked

quiet, and

I have something to

flashed a sarcastic look, “I shouldn’t be

inclusive of the internship. You worked for two years after your graduation and were promoted by higher management outside our regular promotion cycle. This meant that you can

soon as she

stood in place while her face

wrong, anyone could hear the spite and hidden message. She

coming holiday’s welfare gift will be arranged by Allison and we’re all eagerly awaiting it. We

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