Desperate Lovers

Chapter 25 I Hit It

Second floor, the Smith Family villa.

Jessica eagerly took the photos the man handed over and flipped through them one by one. She couldn't observe anything from the first dozens, but the photos afterwards showed what James and Angela were doing.....

Her eyes were red and she held up the photos, questioning the man, "When did this happen?

Why didn’t you tell me earlier?"

“This morning."

The man looked cautiously at the door and intended to leave as soon as possible, "If you have nothing else, I have to go."

"It was taken this morning, but you tell me now?"

Jessica's eyes were filled with pain and anger, and if she'd gotten the message earlier, she might have been able to stop them.

"If I tell you earlier, will you go to the Dream Club and cause trouble?"

The man rubbed his aching brow, “Miss. Jessica, if Danis finds out I help you take pictures, I will be fired.

Don't ever call me again for such things."

He finished his sentence and rushed off, Jessica couldn't stop him.

She bit her lip when seeing the picture of James kissing Angela, her eyes watering.

James hadn't even touched her hand for two years.

But Angela had just come out and... She was not ready to accept it.

It was 9 p.m. when Angela dragged herself back to her dormitory.

But as soon as she opened the door, a shirt flew over her, right over her head.

It's the one she wore early.

"Angela, I had no idea you were so shameless."

Timothy blocked the doorway, beating her voice in mockery.

were close to each other. Because they were too noisy, a group of on-lookers, both men and women, came

"Excuse me."

slight trembling

know it

her hands widly to block

dare not to live with someone

The onlookers jeered...

"I dare not!"

be killed if

her life in prison. Releasing them

at the arrogant and smug

are you

and poked her finger on Angela's shoulder, "Everyone is looking at you right now.



Or someone else?"

and maybe they were among the

was clearly picking

“You are talking nonsense!"

unpleasant comments from the crowd,

and mentally, and she really didn't want to

us like


almost rushing out of her chest, "Timothy, don't

clothes and wouldn't let go, "I'll overdo

"Timothy you're really annoying!"

to the floor, then casually

blossoming a blood lotus the size of a woman's

of noise seemed to mute, as if

still cursing and

to swing her chair around

making people feel cold all

no one came to

on the ground grew thicker and

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