Georgia was surprised that Robert's mother was there.

From the first time she saw this woman, Georgia would always encounter misfortunes.

The first time Robert's mother prevented Ivan from operating Annie, this time, the woman appeared again, Georgia had a bad feeling in her heart.

"What do you want?"

Georgia asked cautiously. Vanessa felt that the atmosphere was very solemn, and she took Georgia's hand.

Maisie sneered at Georgia.

"You and Robert secretly met with Julie, do you think I don't know? Georgia, do you feel very proud of playing with the Simpson family and fascinating my son?"

As soon as Maisie said these words, Georgia instantly knew why this woman came.

"Did Emma bring Julie to see you?"

Georgia asked calmly.

Maisie ignored Georgia's question, she instead threw a bunch of documents in front of Georgia.

"Chester's autopsy report came out. The police are collecting evidence. Georgia, either you killed Chester or Travis killed him. Do you think which of you will go to jail?"

Georgia's face turned pale all at once, she had already felt anxious about Chester's affairs.

Right now, hearing it from Robert's mother's mouth, Georgia's bad feeling deepened.

She knelt down and picked up the file, and found that all the evidence in the report above was not good for her, all the evidence of her disappearance that she had reported could not be found. It looked like a scene she directed and acted on.

Georgia felt that the entire investigation report looked like she instructed Travis to kill Chester!

"Did you do something to the report?"

Georgia questioned Robert's mother. She tried her best to stay calm, but her hands trembled.

Vanessa picked up the file and looked at it, her face turned pale in an instant.

Maisie sneered directly.

"I'm doing tricks, what do you think I can do? Georgia, you killed my daughter, then you were released from prison six years later. You still seduced my son and wanted to blame the car accident on your brother. You want the Simpson family to help you deal with the people in the Lane family. I have not killed you now and that is the best I I have done till now! I tell you that I am here today because I have decided to let you make your own choice!"

"What do you want to do?"

Georgia asked Maisie coldly.

"I don't need to do anything, the police will take you right away. Miss Lane, I will give you a choice. I don't want to see you continue to live in this world. You go to the police and take the initiative to admit that you killed Chester and go to jail, and then I will let Ivan operate on your daughter."

woman! Get out, Georgia


on the ground, her brain was blank, Maisie laughed mockingly at the two women in front

your daughter! If you miss this opportunity, your daughter will have to wait to die. I have inquired about your

felt that this woman was like a dark abyss, she wanted to sweep Georgia into this

bottle and pointed it

get out, I'll use this

mother, and Maisie's

and went outside. When she

a way

mockingly, Robert's mother

the choices in front

course she hoped that Annie could have the operation, but the price was that she went to

it was before, Georgia would definitely be

took care of Annie, Georgia could rest assured that she could

a child in her belly, Georgia couldn't abandon both children and

mother's request, according to the evidence thrown by her, the police would definitely charge her afterwards,

the moment, Georgia couldn't find

Georgia up, then helped her to sit down on the

mad. How could what she just said be true? If you really go to jail. Do you think she will really let Ivan operate on Annie? Don't believe her, let’s think of a way together

so anxious that she

to make decisions in her heart, Vanessa was really afraid that Georgia

looked at

I also know she won't necessarily do it, but Annie finally woke up.


Annie and she grows up, how can she accept this? I don't agree with you . If you do this, then I

Vanessa threatened her.

grabbed Vanessa's hand, her voice already

is a black hole in front of me. I won't necessarily get what I want if I jump down. It's just that

Georgia was sobbing.

to Robert's mother's request, and right now the police evidence was already against her. If Robert's mother used her own power, Georgia felt that

will always be a way,

of Selena. She panicked and picked up

did you call me so

Georgia looked at

a lot of evidence. Do all the evidence

Georgia asked nervously.

Chester's autopsy report and case analysis already, and the current evidence was indeed not good

police now believed that Georgia's disappearance was a planned situation, and they all tended to Georgia instructing Travis to kill

was the murderer, the police had no definitive evidence. Selena was a police officer, so naturally she couldn't clarify what was happening on the

Selena hesitated, then answered.

with procedures and evidence. If

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