Daddy James

Chapter 2 : The Counterfeiters

Sarah didn't really know why James didn't answer when that night's issue would have been his favorite topic to discuss? She tried to analyse his emotionless face while driving back her spectacles to her nose bridge.

His hands held the steering wheel firmly as his sight was fortified on the busy road, Sarah used the opportunity to study him while he was busy enjoying his Lamborghini.

He used to perfectly shave his facial hair when Sarah met him six months back. That time also he looked damn hot but this time it was even better with that sexy stubble.

His stubble was setting Sarah's skin ablaze, her suppressed devilish side just wanted to jump on him and claim that pair of rough lips in a never ending passionate kiss but she couldn't, just couldn't.

She swallowed, gulping all her sinful thoughts under the throat while rubbing her arm as she strived hard getting rid of those pimples, damn goosebumps!

''If you are done raping me with your eyes can you please tell me what's his name?'' He asked in a deep tone which probably ran under Sarah's skin giving her chills, his voice could be only better described as Bedroom sexy.

Sarah's pulse paused as she rushed her gaze down to her plumps. Heat erupting inside her was causing her skin to look blushing pink and the most nerve-racking for her was the thought that he knew she was lusting over him.

Answering his query was the only option left with Sarah as not doing that would've definitely confirmed his damn allegation.

''Daniel, Daniel Whilkes.'' She let out raising her chin up trying hard to fake confidence.

James controlled his laugh on the thought of Daniel licking his balls few hours ago in his cabin and literally begging him on his knees.

James was confident Daniel would break Sarah's heart into pieces and she will have nobody but him to pick those pieces for her up.

''I am really anxious to meet him, tonight.'' James said leaving no clue for Sarah to guess that he already had a meeting with Daniel, an amazing meeting.

Trying to figure out what Sarah's condition would be when Daniel will break his relations with her made James pity her.

He just kept on grinning with all those thoughts playing in his mind while Sarah got confused with amusing scene of the infamous James Anderson grinning without any reason.

Sarah hunted earphones and her phone. She just wanted to avoid any further conversations with her snoopy step father.

He passed a chuckle looking at Sarah inserting earplugs in her ears,''My car does play music!'' He said.

Sarah let out a deep sigh signalling James to buzz off,''I have my own playlist,If you don't mind.'' She snarled at him while he narrowed his eyes staring at her in a sensual way.

''Woah! Don't insult the car. It also supports Aux! Only if you don't mind letting me enjoy your playlist."He softened his looks passing a sly smirk as he caught Sarah off guard.

He really was capable of giving the wittiest person on the planet a big run for his money.

thinking she will have to listen the songs with James.

songs she had in her playlist, Sarah dreaded to even

damn phones, you know?'' She patted herself inwardly

rid of the idea but he was surely to prove who's the dad?,''Don't worry darling.I have the

please stop jumping in my pockets?'' She snarled

to keep his firm looks but bursted into a booming laugh,

weird kind of laugh, especially for a man soon

figuring out where she had heard the similar kind of laugh. She remembered it was the laugh of that mannerless two year old, Lucy's

Lucy and laughed hysterically when she tickled him. Poor kid must have felt like killing his sister when she continuously tickled him

inserted the earplugs avoiding him completely, As she enjoyed the

turned into

couple of missed calls from Judy and

at the last moments, He thought threatening that bloody school going kid of sending him to prison was enough

stole a glance at the watch strapped on Sarah's hand which rested on her lap while she enjoyed the outside view. James just had four hours left with

responding to Judy's text, "Get his ass back on the deal asap, otherwise, I'll cancel

his finger on the 'send' option praying under his breath for everything to go as smooth as

breached and Sarah's eyes widened as she could see

the brakes, the

the car when James

vehicle paused obeying the commands just in time as loud screeches caused other vehicles to stop

fatal, damn it!" She screamed reminding him the traffic rules as James again ignited the engine and

left side of forehead as she raked

as a statue thinking what her plans were about bringing James on his knees and how her

to herself to not to let herself

of getting all the attention he

kick his ass out snatching her Dad's position from him one day and finally the day was

'Anderson's Mansion' reminded Sarah of how much she cried when Jenna replaced 'Mount's Villa' with

this time Andersons' game was close to end as Sarah promised to Lucy to chuck James and

hatred for James

cheek seductively but she just

her immaturity

the trunk of the car, James fetched the opportunity to dial up Judy. She answered the call after couple of rings,''Has that bastard agreed?'' James inquired,

suspenseful talks of women. Why the hell women like to dramatise

He demanded

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