Come Back, My Ruunaway Bride

Come Back, My Ruunaway Bride

Authors:Shangyou Fusu
Num Chapters:35
Newest Chapter:

Chapter 35 Rescue The Man

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The rune manipulating skill was such an honor that it shouldn't be taken lightly. This incredible power honored her family for a century but at a greater price.Her grandfather had no choice but to disguise her as a man named Albert. It was the only way to protect the power she was born to yield. However, it was futile in the end. Murdered in cold blood, and by her sister no less. It still wasn't over though. She had reached the zenith of rune manipulation and achieved immortality.Reborn in a new body, it was time to avenge herself.

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Come Back, My Ruunaway Bride

Come Back, My Ruunaway Bride

35 Chapters

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