CEO Proposed to His Ex-wife 99 Times

Chapter 34 A Stranger by My Side

No response from Peter since the last message Katherine had sent. Maybe he was busy, and maybe he was not

Katherine clenched her phone in her hands, waited for a while, and put it aside in the end. She began to realize what she was doing was out of her loneliness and void, and that she was still under the impact of divorce. All of these were the reasons why she was busy finding someone to hang with.

However, no matter how hard she tried to get herself out of the dilemma, dust had settled: she had already divorced Marshall, a man who had abandoned her, and turned his back on her forever.

All these thoughts stuck in her head that everything she was currently doing was completely a waste of time. She picked up the glass, drank it up and stood up. By coincidence, the singer had also finished his last song and was coming down from the stage.

On their way back to the entrance, Katherine and the singer, with a guitar on his back, met each other face to face.

The singer smiled at Katherine, "Good evening."

Katherine nodded and said, "I love the English song that you just sang, although I know nothing about its meaning."

The singer laughed out and asked, "Thank you! Did you came here alone?"

"Yes. How about let’s take a walk for a while?" Katherine said.

it was first

again and answered,

with Peter after a few steps onwards. Peter, being hasty and panting, was possibly heading his way to the bar, and was

stepped forwards and said, "I

sighed, "I'm just

an easy mood meeting Peter. He

and turned to Peter, "How about you come with

singer and looking at him up and down, he said in a courteous manner, "Please accompany my sister back to the hotel later,

thing." The singer

Peter fixed his eyes on the back of the two and followed them for some distance, finding that they had gone to the seaside. He then headed

it was late and previously they had already finished talking

wife…No! Your ex-wife, she was

nodded and asked,

do you mean by 'so what'? Don't

Peter then panically clapped on the door and said to Marshall through the door, "Hey! She was alone out there! You

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