Celebrity girl is my wife

Celebrity girl is my wife

Genres:UrbanMature Romance
Num Chapters:221
Newest Chapter:

Chapter 222

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An absurd one-night stand blessed her with a precious set of twins. Alas, unwanted circumstances and hostility towards her pregnancy fueled her determination to run away.
 It took years before she finally returned with her two children - the second declared, "Our number one mission right now is to find mom a boyfriend."
The first child nodded to that. The second kid then thought of something and quickly added, "But what if Dad suddenly showed up when Mom had a boyfriend?" A frown immediately appeared on the first child's face. But the second one spoke up. “Huh. How about this? We'll let Daddy stay with us if he's handsome. But if he's bad, then we'll kick him to the curb! ” Again, the first baby nods - Their dad better watch out for his adorable twins are now in town!

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