Capture Your Heart

Chapter 214 The True Identity of William 3

Caleb Shelton, General Manager

"Who are you?"

She asks him while her body trembles.

"Who do you think I am?"

"Why is it Caleb Shelton on your position card? Are you William or Caleb Shelton?"

"I was William, but now I am Caleb Shelton."

"Which one is your real name?"

William looks at her and answers, "I am Caleb Shelton."

Suddenly, Karin gives him a smack on the right side of his face. Last time, she gave a smack on the left side.

"Why do you always lie to me? Did you also lie to me when you were in Zurich?"

"Is it important who I am?"

"At least, you should explain. Did you make a trap for me and then asked me to work in this company?"

William doesn't say anything. She is angry and steps forward, "You are really terrible. I never offended you. Why do you have to ruin my life like this?"

When she intends to give him another smack, he stops her. He looks at her and says, "I didn't lie to you or trapped you. I just found out by accident that you had submitted a resume to my company. I was shocked at the time, but at the same time I was very anxious. I know better than anyone else that you love Troy very much. Since you would submit your resume in Edinburgh, it meant that something must have happened between you and him. So I had the director of the Personnel Department call you and keep inviting you to work in our company. But I had no idea whether you would agree to join our company. I didn't intend to make you break up with Troy. I just wanted to help you when you decided to leave him."

"Really? Then who ruined my life like this?"

"I know you are pregnant."

William looks calm and says, "After I found out that you had submitted a resume to my company, I employed a private detective to investigate you. So I got that you argued with Troy because of your baby..."

"You employed a private detective to investigate me?" Karin is very angry, "How could you do that? You have ruined my life. Wasn't that enough? Tell me if you had sex with me that night. I want the truth!"

he doesn't want to

"Tell me the truth!"

she has a knife, she may be out of

him and even begs him at last. She feels despairing. She stares at him and says with anger,

the office of the Financial Department, Isobel sees that she

shakes her head,

piece of resignation

the resignation to the director. And then she talks to him first, "Don't ask me anything. You can come to

leaves without any

someone knocking at the door outside, but she ignores it. After packing up, she opens the door and

standing outside. He is William who was slapped by her just now. He stops her and asks,

"Go away!"


of your

You are

stand it, "Do you mean you really had sex with me


looks at her for a while and then says, "If you really want to

kidding me? After I give birth to this baby, I won't care

you won't care, why do

have to know about it?

BEFORE. I just want to keep

me go to hell just

because of me. Even though I didn't make love with you and you aren't pregnant, you will also break up with him. So you shouldn't think that it is me who destroys


stands up and says, "Why don't you feel guilty

I don't regret asking you to

I just wanted to find you

know I won't tell

when you saw my downfall... " She bites her lower lip and tries not to cry, "But now

up her luggage and steps towards the door.

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