Capture Your Heart

Chapter 148 Doing Anything for You 3

Frustrated and heartbroken, Karin put her phone in place before holding the necklace in her hand. She wonders if there's a teardrop hidden in her heart, containing the bitterness and desire she can never drop, as well as the love she can never own.

Now she feels like Ariel in The Little Mermaid, whose prince is grabbed away by Mia.

Footsteps are sounded from her back as Troy gets out of the bathroom. He stands behind her, staring at her quietly before holding her in his arms. Failing to get angry with her, he says sadly, "I'm innocent, and I'm sorry to make you upset…"

Closing his eyes, he kisses her neck all the way to her eyelid as he suddenly opens his eyes. "Karin, are you crying?"

She doesn't answer him. He shakes her shoulders. "What's wrong?"

Although she doesn't reply, realization suddenly dawns on Troy. He quickly gets the phone and his finger slides on the screen to find out the picture. Furrowing his brows, he angrily throws the phone on the ground.

Karin is startled by the big bang. She's never seen him act like this before, at least not in her presence.

It's been a while until she finds he's left the room.

Then she steps toward the roof-deck as she knows he must be there.

He just wears a bathrobe, which means he can't leave this house.

It's late night with dimmed moonlight in the pitch dark. Troy sits in the wooden chair with a beer can in his hand, and he looks lonely and pathetic.

She walks over and sits beside him, but her foot accidentally kicks all the empty cans on the ground, making a noise.

"Troie, ten days has passed."

Feeling heartbroken, he stares at her and presses her shoulders. "Never will you give up on us. Do you hear me?"

"I ‘am not going to give up. Just give me your hand."

Troy's confused as he silently reaches out his hand.

Karin holds it and gently places her head on his shoulder, her hand drawing circles in his palm.

"To make you mine, I'll finish the 9,999 circles as soon as possible. You used to say I have a lifetime to do it, so I take it for granted. I hope my hard work can buy me more time."

"Good. From today on, I'll get home from work at time to give you my two thirds of a day, making your dream come true."

he's willing to do anything to make her dreams come true. Karin has many

gently bends down until his forehead is against Karin's, the ghost of his warm breath across her face. "Can I

what he's done to Karin for his revenge. He's failed her, and he's


sweet love, they choose to indulge themselves to

his throat bobbing, Troy scoops her up and

ears, saying huskily, "I love you,

she tries to open her almond-like eyes to

I want is

needs is

gazes at her in the dark, his eyes red. "I'm


a while, afraid to knock

going to bring bad news to his

Knock! Knock!...

"Come in."

Robert says in a small voice, "Sorry, boss,

He says with disappointment, "Tell me what

forced to tell

bitterly as the truth is too


from the chair while his body

kill your parents, but before they reached


your father wasn't killed by them, at least not the

Then how did they

not the truth he wants. He

either, but the second witness I found yesterday told me the

in collusion, as no murderers will

have lied, but

the last point is

him. So, it proves that those two witnesses told us the truth. If Lennon killed


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