Big Bad Alphas

Chapter 11 Chapter 12

I lay sleeplessly in bed, staring at the ceiling while not being able to take my mind off of my sister. I wonder if she is still awake, or if she has found the ability to live without me. It has only been a few days, which makes me sound dramatic, but I cannot help but hope she misses me still. What if earlier she only got upset for a bit and now she is perfectly fine, perfectly asleep in her purple and blue bed. I cannot sleep not knowing how she is feeling; we used to tell each other everything.

My eyes roll over to the clock. It is one o'clock in the morning.

Silently groaning, in an attempt to not wake up Eric, I turn away from the pillow wall and sigh. I have to see her.

Hesitantly, I slip out from underneath the bedding, and my toes brush against the cool, wood floor. Sitting up, I carefully lift my body forward while glancing at him, making sure he is not waking up from my moments. I gently step onto the floor and push myself upright, and soon enough I am standing in the middle of the room not knowing what to do.

I cannot just leave without telling anyone. Of course, I am not leaving forever, just a day or two, but a notice is still proper. Searching the room, I remember seeing a notepad by the phone, probably there to take messages. I can write a quick note and leave it on the kitchen counter.

I take a deep breath before tiptoeing out of the bedroom and down the hall, heading towards the room where my things are being kept, the room I attempted to sleep in before. When I get inside, I slowly shut the door and gather my things, picking out only a few that I might need: an extra pair of clothes, food from the kitchen, a few bandaids, and medical related items, and water. With one of my smaller bags in hand, full of my things, I find the notepad a write the letter. I mumble my writing out loud as I go; "Eric. I am sorry to worry you, but I have to go on a quick trip for a day or two. I will be back unharmed so do not worry about that either. I have everything I will need, and I will be back before you know it. Please, please, please do not make this a big deal, I will be back, I promise."

I sign my name neatly at the bottom and even add a little heart just for fun. Hopefully, he will find it less worrying.

I grab a jacket and head for the door, and as soon as I am outside, I turn South. The forest engulfs me rather quickly, so I take my bag and drop it to the floor. I can move faster if I shift.

Taking off my clothes, I shove them into the bag. I shift in a hurry, not bothering to take the process step by step, then I snatch up the strap of the bag in my mouth. Gliding through the trees at a much quicker speed, my feet briskly touch the forest floor and push off, propelling myself in a constant forward run. I do not bother to look around at the almost blurred trees, but I keep my gaze steadily in front of me. It will probably take a few hours to get there if I continue to run, but I know I will tire myself out beforehand. I have not been in a continuous sprint for a while.

It must be almost three in the morning by now, so Eric is hopefully still asleep.

on my paws while taking in a few well-needed gasps of air. Should I have told Eric where I am going in the note? I did not want him chasing after me, but what kind of ideas might he conjure up? Surely he is smart enough to guess that I

I do not think he

movement from behind me causes my heart to jolt, and I immediately shoot


I take a step back. I have never run into a stranger before on my own, most likely because I have never been on my own

scoop my bag up with my teeth before sprinting in the opposite direction without a second to spare. My mother always told me to stay away from strangers,

become a very terrible idea, and I also promised Eric that I would come back unharmed. I

I almost trip over and land in the dirt. Feeling disoriented, I look


is the other wolf, is too heavy for me to push off. Struggling beneath it, my teeth reach its leg, and I take the chance to bite down. The other wolf whimpers and backs away, so I slip out from underneath it and distance

move to attack me again, I grab my bag and shift behind a near tree.

I thankfully find the wolf still here. "Shift," I tell them, and they make no sign of agreeing.

them the pair of extra clothing I brought with me. The wolf takes the clothes,

I notice the voice to be familiar. Intrigued, I quickly turn

wide. "O-Olivia?" I say in disbelief. "W-What, why, what are you doing out here?

mumbles weakly as my eyes fall upon her bleeding leg. "I-I don't know what I'm

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