BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha’s Little Demon

Chapter 151 – The Demon Prince of Chaos

BLOOD MOON PACK – Alpha Aeon and Luna Alexa’s Territory.



Amara Grace, my only niece, was celebrating her 18th birthday, and I took my whole family with me and went to the South, which we had done at least once or twice a year in the last ten years.

Aside from visiting my family that had relocated to the South, it was also a way for Lucy to visit the graves of her parents. Aeon and Alexa were generous enough to give Everly a proper burial when she d*ied, and they could not locate Lucy.

On the first occasion that Lucy visited her mother’s grave, Alexa also gave her a big surprise. She took d*iego’s belongings that she saved from Lucy’s old house and told Lucy that the empty space that was opened beside Everly’s would be given officially to d*iego. And since we no longer had his body, Alexa thought burying some of his things would still count. So that Lucy would have a place to visit both her parents.

I never saw Lucy cry so hard except that day, and I could feel every emotion within her — her sadness and her happiness were overwhelming her, but I was glad she was sharing all of those emotions with me.

It was the closure that Lucy needed as she said her goodbyes to Everly and d*iego and told them what happened to her life after they were gone.

Lucy told them of her struggles and her triumphs.

Of how she met me.

Of how she tamed my Beast.

Of how her wolf, Angel, was special.

And of how she took revenge for everything Lucien did to them.

She then asked d*iego’s forgiveness for all the pain Lucien caused him and thanked him for loving her as if she were his own pup.

She told him that she asked forgiveness from Pops and Momma for his part in Suzanne’s misery. She told him Pops had forgiven him, and that Pops loved her as if she were his own grandpup.

Lucy was a big mess that day. She let out the child in her that was crying for the loss of her parents, but instead of a weak female crying her heart out, I saw a strong one that I would always be proud of.

After everything she’d been through, she didn’t lose her spark of life.

Despite her belief that she was made of darkness, I saw otherwise. I saw Lucy as my light — the angel that I needed to save me.

She thought meeting me, her fated mate, would mean I could save her. She was wrong. It was I who needed saving, and she came into my life just in time. And I would always take pride in calling her mine.

“Hmmm…” Lucy M0@ned against my lips as we kissed passionately in the fire exit of the building, where Amara’s party was in full swing.

in the evening. Lucy and I just came back from upstairs after


we conceived in the underworld. The Underworld Princess

did. We immediately untangled ourselves from each other and turned our bod*ies around, where we saw Amara standing a few feet away, looking at

you?” I almost growled while Lucy’s hand was holding my forearm, stopping

and her

want to go upstairs, and you’re blocking

my eyes dilating into darkness, but

it.” Her eyes shifted to Lucy as they turned glassy. “Mama, please help me. I just need ten minutes so Dad won’t see me like this.” Lucy flicked her fingers, and Amara’s face returned to how it had been earlier. No more puffy eyes and swollen lips. “I took care of your

Amara’s path, and my niece immediately slid past

Mama. Please don’t tell, Mom…” She said this as she dashed

is wise to hide it from Aeon and Alexa,” I told Lucy as

handle herself well, and I’m sure she

saw in her

later what happened?” “I will. And if she tells me, we will see if Alexa needs to get involved. Otherwise, we will let her decide


me before a loud commotion inside the ballroom reached my ears, and

He looked agitated as he stormed out of the ballroom, followed by his mate. O “What’s going on?” I asked Edward, Aeon’s Gamma after he was

her just ten feet away from him, and now she’s nowhere.” “How

he stepped backward. “I need to go, Alpha Adan, so I

at him before I


nodded her head as she took my hand. Our gaze went around the area, and when we saw no one was looking, Lucy teleported

back of the pavilion where Amara’s party was held. The people looking for her were probably at the front, but I was sure they

was right, Aiden was letting out a fire that

the little girl beside him, who I assumed was

fire so she can see me in the


did you take her here? Her parents are looking for

can fly.” The

down and tucked the stray strands of hair behind her ears while I

me, and he ran fast. When I opened my eyes, we were here! He runs too fast, not like Zach!

your mom and dad are looking for you?” Lucy

She bit her bottom lip, and I saw

play with them in the middle of the night or even during the daytime without asking permission from

while and return her. I thought they wouldn’t notice.” He reasoned as he extinguished the

will. She’s only


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