
Chapter 51

"He should be here soon." Ava said, glancing at the clock above the door

"How wonderful." She turned abruptly as she heard his childish voice and scowled at Marcus "What?"

"You know you can't look like that! Change back." she scolded, annoyed at the boyish grin that stretched across his face "Please Marcus. This meeting is going to steer how the rest of the things around us will pan out."

Seeing the serious expression on her face, he reverted to his normal size but continued to grin at her. The sun was setting outside and the reflection of the rays bounced off her face radiantly. There was no way she could hide that she was worried about how everything would go. The unruly Alpha was the only thing that was the only person that would be able to move her training forward and the quicker she started, the more effective it would be on the day of battle.

Battle huh? It had been a very long time since he had thought about it. Now, it was coming and he knew there wasn't much time to get ready. Getting Xander's cooperation was at the top of his list.

The door was suddenly pulled open and his imposing scent filled the room. Ava turned to the door and watched Xander stride in, the power oozing off of him more than usual. If she could guess, it was probably because he was trying to intimidate Marcus, but from the smile on her brother's face, she could tell that he wasn't moved. Then again, she couldn't be too sure because although Marcus was kind and honest, she didn't doubt that his life experiences had equipped him with the ability to manipulate people and hide some things he actually felt.

Unexpectedly, Xander walked over to where she stood and it wasn't until he was in her personal bubble that she thought of backing away, but there was already limited space behind. It took her as a surprise and knocked the air out of her when he hugged her. His arms circled her and his head buried itself into the crook of her neck as she stayed still. Her eyes met Cole and Sterling who waved at her as they came into the room as well.

comfortable with PDA." Marcus stated, watching them with narrowed eyes, but Ava could tell

her adoptive brothers. It would be wonderful for them to meet Marcus. Heck, she wanted to see them too, but she wondered if the Alpha wrapped around her would

at his full height and looked down at her. "And I wonder how that's supposed to be my business,

and if it got too heated, chaos would ensue. Ava felt it in her bones that this meeting would have to go smoothly as planned

like a warm glove, calming him down. He had missed her and the way her eyes were looking up at him now, with

"Shall we get started?"

when men did that. Marcus was now fully recovered, despite the serious injury and he wasn't cowering in Xander's presence. They sat together, at various places in the hospital room and once she sensed that Xander would try to drag her to sit with him, she swiftly moved to sit

sharp ache in his chest at Ava's move. Instead, he directed his attention

Alpha. I'm sure she's told you


can give you and Ava my blessings, it's not going to work." Xander leaned forward and rested his arms on

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