Attracted By My Ex-wife

Chapter 18 Argument Over Their Son

Anne felt depressed and uneasy because of her dream. She intended to leave the room after she washed up, but she stopped, hand frozen on the doorknob.

She could hear Sam and Emily talking in the living room.

Emily said, "It's Cherry. Want me to shoo her away?"

"Yes," Sam replied.

After a while, Anne heard the door opening. And she lost all her strength at that moment. She simply turned around and headed towards the sofa.

That sofa was moved into her room two days ago. Before her pregnancy, she had almost no time to rest in her room.

After she got pregnant, she seemed to be tired all the time. So the sofa was a good thing.

Now, she couldn't hear what was going on outside. She didn't want to hear Cherry's voice at all. She was more annoying than a devil.

Anne couldn't help but touch her abdomen again, with her beautiful eyebrows still frowning.

A few minutes later, Emily came into the living room with a big smile on her face. "I told her to scram."

"Well, go and see if Anne's awake yet."


When Emily opened the door, she saw that Anne was lying on the sofa. She was frowning, and looking out the window absent-mindedly.

Emily was a little worried and asked, "Didn't you sleep well last night?"

"Sort of. Bad dreams keep me up." Although Anne's voice was calm, Emily could feel the sadness in her voice, which made her mood take a nosedive.

She didn't know what was bringing Anne down. She thought it was just because she was pregnant. She never imagined it might be the agreement between Anne and Kevin. Emily tried to comfort her. "I can ask Mr. Sam for something to help you sleep. Want me to do that?"

Just then, Sam walked in.

Anne looked back at him and said, "How am I supposed to feel comfortable with all this if you won't let me work?"

Emily looked at Sam helplessly.

Sam's expression remained unchanged, as if what Anne said was something unimportant, like "the wind is too strong today."

He said, "Breakfast is ready. Let's eat."

Emily hurried to help Anne to her feet.

The two of them didn't tell Anne that Cherry dropped by. And Anne pretended she didn't know.

as if Cherry had never

peace she had couldn't last. A few hours later,

a look and said, "I'll

the doorbell rang. The mission was to get rid of all the people who shouldn't have come

the balcony. She didn't have to worry about anything right now. Anything that was, other than eating and sleeping. She needed to stay in a good mood and wait for the baby

the baby stung her

startled by the sight that met her eyes. Kevin and Cherry were there on the doorstep. Cherry held Kevin's arm gently. "Is Anne feeling better now?" Cherry asked in a concerned tone. "I'm also the kid's mom, after

balcony, and overheard this exchange. Her hand was touching the leaves, which

no idea that her dream last night might come true. In her dream, her child called Cherry "mother" and didn't know her

he seemed to emit an aura of pure evil. He was tall and dignified. He

again. By the time she realized what had happened, she

to the center of the living room. That morning, Emily found an excuse to keep Cherry out, but now she was back, this time on

voice was full of worry. "Why aren't you sleeping? Get some rest. Ah! Why is

walked to Anne in a few steps.

hurt, as if there was a knife in it.

quite anxious, Anne

matter. All of you, please leave. I'm tired and need to

and went straight

like that? Why did Cherry feel the

see any of them.

to tell you." Heedless of Anne's long face, Kevin took her hand

remaining three people looked

stop this, but she couldn't interfere too much. She had already taken a risk, bringing Kevin here.

something else, she would cross the line.

only look at the closed door, nervous

them, but he still remembered his promise to Anne that they would not fight again. He was afraid that it would start


did you want to say?" Anne asked coldly, shaking off

His cold eyebrows and eyes raised, as if he were smiling. He was in a good mood, looking at Anne's abdomen. "My son, Daddy's here to see you," he said, slowly.

Anne. The child was still very young and could not

he just called the baby

before. She said angrily, "Okay. But just one

side of bed, for once. He didn't get angry when he heard Anne

her face, Anne said in a colder tone, "Quit assuming it's a boy. We don't know the sex of


herself with

to tell him this

"I like girls. If it's not a boy, we'll

was furious.

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