At Your Disposal, Madam

Chapter 16 Don't Laugh, or She Will be Obsessive to It

Jamie warm finger has touched her cheek, the edge of the lips.

He gently erased with his finger, and a trace of a black neutral pen showed in his palm. He looked at Jane and said, "Ok."

Jane was embarrassed. She got the trace when she was writing in the menu accidentally.

Jamie looked at Jane and asked with a deep voice, "Why did you come to Feng City?"

Jane lifted her eyes and carefully took a look at Jamie. How should she answer the question? Should she tell him that she was coming to break off the engagement?

Jane bit her lip again slightly. When she was nervous, she would do that subconsciously.

Jamie looked at her and wanted to remind Jane that don’t do that action in front of men, because it looked too seductive.

"Is it difficult to answer?" Jamie asked her because Jane had no response.

"Well, it's a shame. You have known the situation last time. And I came here to break off my engagement with Samuel."

Samuel knew Jamie. When he saw Jamie, he was so surprised and frightened.

Jane wondered if Samuel saw her and Jamie being together, would he be scared out of a heart attack?

But she could only have that thought.

After this meal, they would not contact each other.

"Well, it was not a shame, instead it should be celebrated."

"Oh?" Jane was puzzled. She had a pair of beautiful eyes like water letting a person have an illusion that the water will fall down in the next second.

"You said before that you don’t want a dirty man. And I couldn't agree more. He is not with your stepsister, and one day he will be with other woman."

Jane was drinking water. And she was choked to cough up after Jamie’s words.

Jamie had a pretty face. How can he say so?

Jane felt that it was better that Jamie kept silent.

an eyebrow and wondered why

food was delivered and the water began to boil and

seasoning for you."

“It is ok. I will

let Jamie

eating, so she liked to do her own to get the seasoning, and

millet spice, soy sauce

Jane. This girl seemed to want to try everything.

to their seats, each holding a

boil the beef. After the beef was good, he put it to the

subconsciously felt that

quiet, because she did not

taking care of her, helping

embarrassed, "Mr. Lo, I'll

although it was cold due to the air conditioning,

he had already taken

a white shirt with his sleeves

moved, his

had a sharp tongue,

ate gracefully and looked

that there was not a word good enough to describe

forehead was

cheeks were red and her lips were rosy, which were slightly pouted due to the heat. Today, she seemed to be hungry and anxious. Occasionally, she would put out the pink tip of her tongue and lick the corners of her

of what his grandma had said that she

Well, it was true.

lifted his eyes, looked at Jamie, and

a light smile on his face, which was dazzling like

was shocked by the

don't laugh like that, Jamie. She

first sight of Jamie, she

not obsessive to it when facing a

said with a smile, “Miss Su, do I have something on my

of eyelashes, Jane thought of that eyelash

was still fresh in her mind,

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