Anton Brotherhood

Chapter 5 The NO.1 High School I

Anton walked home alone. It was 10p.m., there were few people on the street. The night breeze stirred the lawn alongside. The city was exceptionally tranquil, except when the cars whizzed by sometimes. Anton was walking while kicking the stones alongside the sidewalk, reflecting on something, ‘What will my future be like? Am I going to be a hooligan for the rest of my life? Or I’ll just join the real gangs? I don’t like choose either of them. There will be no turning back on either of the choice if I go further. ’ Suddenly a thought struck him, but he was frightened. He shook his head, trying to get it out of his mind. However, it never occurred to him that he would be so close to that thought years later.

Anton tried not to dwell on this. One’s fate might lie in his or her own hand, but sometimes, it was bound to be like that.

The following month was the most painful period for Anton’s fellow boys. They had no freedom but pressure. They were not permitted to have fun, but studying all the time. Under Anton’s pressure, these future scums, in their teacher’s opinion, had made great academic progress. All the teachers were stunned, ‘Is it because of our contribution that these students were finally moved and decided to make a change?’ The school held a meeting to praise the teachers in Grade Nine, because their students had much higher marks than classes in the past, which was a remarkable contribution to education. All teachers expressed their will to work harder on teaching for the future of their country.

Finally came the exam day. On the day before, Anton summoned all his men who were going to take the exam. He asked about how’s their preparation going, but everyone lowered their head and stay silent. It was far from easy for them to catch up, since they had wasted the last three years. Anton shook his head, “Fine. Whatever ways you use, promise me to get yourself a beeper tomorrow!”

Jasper was confused, “Boss, why do we need that?” Bruce was puzzled at first, but he suddenly understood, and hit Jasper on the head, “Are you stupid? Boss will be sending us the keys to the questions through that!”

Jasper pretended he knew that as well, and gnarled, “Piss off! I know it!” Then he turned to a fellow next to him, “So, what’s all that about?” The fellow was speechless, ‘Bruce’s right, he really is stupid.’ However, he dared not say so, and explained it in detail.

Seeing everyone was chatting happily, Anton spoke up, “Raise your hand if you can’t make it! I’ll help you!”

Some raised their hands. Jasper looked around, blushed. He lowered his head and raised his hand as well. Bruce nudged him, “Honestly, Jasper? Stop making yourself a fool. I’ll handle it for you.”

Jasper’s head bent even lower. He murmured embarrassedly, “My family’s not rich!” People nearby laughed. Anton grinned, “Those who have ways, borrow as many beepers as you can. Help your brothers, OK?” Several boys who were rich spoke up, “Yes, boss!”

Anton nodded in satisfaction. Jasper asked, “Boss, you have figured out this way to help us pass the exam beforehand?”

“Well. This is called ‘to save up for a rainy day’. Your academic level can’t help you pass the exam.”

“But why did you force us to study for the past whole month?” Jasper asked the question that everyone wanted to know.

Anton said sternly, “Because I don’t want you to be a fool in high school. You must remember, you’re nothing if you store no knowledge in your brain! Wherever you go, no one will look up to you, even though you become the boss of a gang.” They finally realized Anton’s purpose. He really did that for their own good. They were all touched, “Yes, boss!”

Primary School was swarmed with parents. The exam took place there, so, many parents came to support their children. They had been standing here for

and kept smoking. He glanced at his watch, and asked the men next to him, “Josh, go check whether they have taken up the communication center.”

to Carl asked. Carl shook

to shout at that person, but he realized it was Anton. He swallowed his nasty words, “Boss, where did you come out?

is guarded. So I have to jump across the wall.” Then he took out a piece of paper

it!” Carl led his men with the

All of them had passed the exam. Anton ranked topped the list of J. City, but he volunteered to go to No.1 High School, one of the worst schools in J. City. His

also against his decision. Anton had to explain it to them, “Dad, Mom, I’m an adult. Just let me choose

his mother, “Well. He’s not a naïve boy. He has his own choice. We can’t always force him.” Then he said to Anton, “Anton, choose it carefully, or you won’t have any

hundred fellows. Anton

not only cleverness and ruthlessness, but also a tough body. In these two months, Anton signed up for free combat and martial arts courses. He did exercise as long as he’s free. Even Carl admired his perseverance. He had known Anton for a while. In his eye, Anton’s way of doing things was to crave for perfection or leave it. A month later, Anton asked Carl to combat with him. He put on his boxing gloves and fought Carl alone. No one knew the result, but both of

there too, but they were shut outside. When Carl came

I’ll treat you to dinner tonight. You can choose to eat anything.” Carl closed his eye, “Even God won’t talk me into it! How can I have dinner if I die?” Jasper couldn’t resist this temptation, so he was willing to fight Anton alone. Carl shook his head and felt pity for him. He thought to himself, “Take care, bro!” As a result, when Jasper dined

“If Anton doesn’t want to become a gangster in the future, he could be a sprinter. He’s capable of this

two months, Anton looked almost the same, except he became a bit taller than before,

to school. When he arrived, he saw a decrepit gate at first sight, both sides of which were covered in paper. All were ad-lets. Some even recommending STD medicine. Anton shook his head, couldn’t believe such ads had been pasted on the school gate.

at Anton and said loudly, “What did you say? I didn’t catch that! Louder!” Anton had to raise his voice, “Where can

talking about!” The old man shook his head and continued

motorbike. Anton jumped aside, leaving his bike falling on the ground. A motorbike whizzed pass him and stop nearby. The rider was dressing like a cowboy. But when he took off his helmet, Anton saw long black flowing hair. And the person turned around to look at Anton. It was clear that she was a girl. Anton thought she was really pretty with long and

“Are you blind? Watch

but not her words, which stopped Anton from appreciating her beauty. Anton said in grievance,

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