Anton Brotherhood

Chapter 3 Carl Johns

The next day, in the restroom of the No.2 Middle School.

“I heard that your face got hurt by a coward in your class. He is even your master now. Is that true?” Bruce with a cigarette in his mouth asked.

Jasper was irritated. “I will beat you to death if you call him coward again!”

Bruce was surprised. He then pinched his cheeks and shook his chubby face. “Jasper, do you know whom you are talking to?”

Jasper flicked his hand away and stared at him. “Bruce, f*ck. You thought I am afraid of you? Don’t show off in front of me.”

Bruce smiled at his words, “Well, look who’s worked up today. Later after school, just wait in the classroom. If you dare to leave the school, I will break your legs!”

Jasper stared at him and said, “I will wait for you. Just that you might not dare to turn up!”

In the classroom, Jasper told Anton everything.

Anton asked, “Who is Bruce? What is he doing?”

“He is the tall man who was often with me. The one robbed your money with me that day.” Jasper paused for a while and glanced at Anton. Seeing that Anton wasn’t angry, he continued, “He joined a gang since primary school and has his own men now. He is in Class 6, Grade 9.”

Anton nodded and asked, “How many people can we have?” Jasper thought for a while, “Five or six men are completely trustable. The others are not really reliable.”

Anton replied, “Ok, then I want to meet them.”

Jasper agreed and rushed to summon those men.

At 6 p.m., in the classroom on the first floor.

Jasper stood at the back of the classroom, he held up a chair and dropped it to the ground. There was a loud bang, and the chair was broken. Jasper picked a 66-centimeter-long log and passed it to Anton. “Boss, hold it. You may need it after a while.”

Anton shook his head. “I don’t need it,” Jasper said nothing but put it under a desk in case he might need it. A few minutes later, someone broke into the classroom. The sudden sound shocked Jasper and drew his attention. Bruce came in with seven or eight people. “Well, very brave for you to wait for me here.” Bruce looked back and laughed. “Ha, look at these fools!”

Anton just sat there without a word. Jasper was irritated by his words. “Bruce, Let's go head-to-head. Whoever loses shall be the dumbass!”

“Who do you think you are?” Bruce turned to Anton. “You, come here!”

Anton walked towards Bruce slowly with Jasper behind him. Bruce showed contempt as he found that Anton was shorter than him. “I know you. You snatched my people. Jasper is no more than a coward. If you had asked for permission, I would have agreed. Now, I am angry. You need to apologize to me and fulfill my orders.” Anton lowered his head and allowed his hair to cover his eyes. He smiled and said in a serious tone, “You’d better let this matter go. Jasper had the freedom to choose.”

Bruce was intimidated by his voice but once he noticed Jasper was smiling, he shook away his fear.

“What kind of activities are you putting on now?” Bruce grabbed Anton’s hair, shoved him down, and lifted his knee to kick Anton’s face. Anton knelt to the ground, his nose bleeding profusely. Jasper cried in anxiety and dashed towards Anton but was controlled by Bruce’s men.

Bruce laughed cruelly and kicked Anton to the floor. “Well, you are one weakling, aren’t you?” Bruce trod on his face and told Jasper, “Your master is a loser! Ha…”

Jasper fought to stand up but failed. The men pressed on his legs and hands. “Fuck…” He could not finish his words and was beaten on the face by Bruce’s men. Jasper coughed and spat out blood.

Anton suddenly grasped Bruce’s ankle with his left hand. Bruce was surprised. Anton then pulled out a sling blade and stabbed it into Bruce’s leg. “Ouch!!” Bruce bellowed in pain. He pressed on the wound and moved backward. Anton stood up and walked to Bruce. He rained punches on him and beat him black and blue. Seeing the blood splattering everywhere, Bruce’s men had no idea of what to do.

While they hesitated, Anton did not stop hitting Bruce hard. Within moments, Bruce was bleeding and dropped unconscious onto the floor. At the same time, Jasper took the log and hit the head of the man who had just hit him. The man knelt with his hands covering his bleeding head. Jasper shouted, “Guys, come out!”

A lot of footsteps could be heard from the hallway. Then, seven or eight men came in. Jasper shouted, “Let’s kick their asses!” Then, he took the stick and beat all the other men up.

was in a blur. One of his eyes was swollen. The other eye was fixed on the boy in front of him. “Boy, I admit defeat this time and I am not your match. If you want

Bruce and took two steps backward. Others stood behind him. Another boy immediately moved a chair.

corner of his mouth, looked at his men lying on the ground, and

Anton put the blade back into his

boss. From now on, you are my master!” Bruce regarded him to be strong and smart and maybe someday he

stood up and patted his shoulder. “Well, we are brothers now. Whatever I have, you shall get a share too!” Then he got out of the classroom. Bruce watched him leave, still thinking about Anton's eager eyes.

him, they were disappointed because there was nothing extraordinary about Anton. In front of Jasper, they went along with Jasper and called Anton 'brother', but

brothers to the hospital!” The others quickly carried Bruce and the others. Bruce pushed away from the man who was helping him and

you say? From now on, we are brothers who follow our boss to explore the world. Come on, let me help you!” Jasper held his shaking body. The

in school, I should have further expanded my sphere of influence.’ Anton decided to create his own gang with the men in NO. 2 middle

was still a good boy, the pride of his parents. In school, he was still a good student with high grades. However, more people have started

matter what he would be doing in the future, knowledge was the most important for him. Having a good brain with wisdom is more valuable than having a muscular body. After class, Jasper ran in and whispered

exercise. “Well, let them wait for a while.

was a well-known gangster in the No.2 middle school and was famous for fighting. Once, he had fought someone

a dozen led by Carl. Bruce, who was crouching his head and squatting on the ground to smoke, saw Jasper returning, extinguished the cigarette and stood up, “Jasper, where is your boss?”

later. Let them wait!”

“Fuck, look at yourself.

not as easy as you think!” Jasper looked at the impatient men and said,

at putting on airs!”

without warning. The sunglasses he was wearing flew far away. Carl’s men did not think that he would do that. They put their hands in their clothes and grabbed the knife hidden inside. The leader

“Well!” Then stared at the taken away, saying, “Take the little brother out after

him, but soon grinned,

he was triggered as well. He kicked the man in his abdomen. The man bent down and withdrew several steps to let his men hold him. This time, Carl’s men draw out their knives. Jasper and Bruce’s people also took

with his hands in his pockets. He seemed to not be in hurry at all

knives in their hands. Seeing a common student in the No.2 middle school uniform, the leader of the other side rubbed his stomach and asked, “Boy, why did you

did not speak. Jasper said loudly,

head to toe. God, is there no one stronger that they had to follow a malnourished-looking boss?

nodded and said, “Sir, our boss has something to discuss with you. Can you please come

problem. You set the schedule. But it should not be

to the snooker center, Joy Billiards Hall,

said to Jasper and Bruce, “You two are too impulsive. Correct it.” Bruce bowed his head and did not speak. Jasper said aloud, “Boss, they were too arrogant. If they did not scold you first, I wouldn't have done

you that keeping a clear mind at all times can

it, boss!” They consider their boss was right. If their boss had not shown up and they fought, even though they

moment and said, “Boss, I think

It may be dangerous, but if we don't have the

nodded, but he was

after classes were over in the No.2 middle school. Suddenly the gates of the school were crowded. Somehow, all the students rushed towards the school gates. The first one who came out yelled, “YES!”

approximately two dozen students, each with their hands forked and cigarettes in their mouths. They felt they looked phenomenal.

just like a pig!

not so happy as they were. Jasper asked, “What time is it?” Bruce glanced at his watch and patted him on

Carl! How

so great about him? He’s a human too.” Bruce's words caused a chorus of laughter. Jasper laughed and

away their smiles, stood at the base of the stairs,

“Have you brought everything?” Jasper answered, “Don't

Now we can finally meet the legendary Carl!” Anton said jokingly. Everyone was looking at him and

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