After Being Cheating

Chapter 201 Is Daniel One of Vern's Relatives

Shirley, who was still at the door, was just about to leave, but Daniel called her again, and said, "Ask Spark to come in."

"Okay, Mr. Si." Shirley then closed the door behind her.

She stood outside the office, with sadness gleaming in her eyes. After their wedding ceremony had been wrecked, Daniel hadn't spoken one word to her in private.

After telling Spark what Daniel had just said, Shirley sat down on her seat, absent-minded.

If Janet hadn't come back, she would have become Daniel's wife. Even if... they were husband and wife on paper only, she was still willing to marry him.

However, Janet had now returned, and it was very obvious that everything was the same as it was three years ago; Shirley, again, had become the person who couldn't get any sort of attention...

Daniel, of course, didn't care about anyone else since Janet had reappeared.

At the office

"Check the address of the place where she's having dinner tonight, and take a group of people along to follow her." While Daniel uttered these words, they made Spark wonder whether they really had any emotion in them, or not.

"Okay, Mr. Si." Spark took out his phone and began to make phone calls.

After Spark left the office, Daniel looked at the weapon on his desk, and thought that Janet must have practiced a lot in the last three years...

In fact, Janet had practiced for only two years, because she had just started practicing it late in her pregnancy.

During that period, she was feeling very bored, so she decided on killing time with this...

In the evening, there were many people going in and out of an inconspicuous restaurant, but the bodyguards, who were dressed in their black clothes, could be seen everywhere around it and in it.

Everyone who entered the restaurant needed first to be frisked, and no one was allowed to bring in with them any dangerous items.

When a woman, wearing a black coat, got out of a black luxury car, two men, dressed in ordinary clothes, immediately walked up to her.

They greeted Janet, "Miss Janet, welcome!" In fact, both of them were several years, or maybe even more than ten years older than Janet was. But, since she was the leader of the Tianye Men, people who knew her or didn't know her personally, had to call her in a respectful manner.

such a life at all, but when she had lost her memories during those two years, everything naturally

but she still had to keep on acting as the leader; she

She smiled, and followed them into the

her, were

all of their weapons, they followed Janet into the 999 private

saw that the room had been filled with

smoked occasionally when she had lost her memories, she now remembered who she actually was, and also didn't

people in the room fixed their eyes

who had greeted her earlier, led

man with grey hair sitting on the host seat. After he briefly glanced at Janet, he continued to listen to the man nearby who was talking

unoccupied seat between Janet and the elderly man, but Janet had no idea who would sit

is the leader of the Tianye Men and her name is Janet Shao. People call her Miss Janet." Luke Cao, the boss of the Qinghua Force, sat next to Janet and hosted the dinner. He was nearly fifty years old, and was known

a senior, Janet stood up, took two steps forward, and shook hands with him.

heard a lot about you!"

of the Tianye Men. It must

not that important. Ordinarily, it's Caspar and the other main leaders who are calling the shots; I just do some other, small jobs." What she had said was true; she was just the nominal boss of the Tianye Men, and


people in the same circle knew this, she was still brave, and always preferred to tell the

this moment, another man entered the room and stood beside Luke. He was surprised to

man aside, and asked, "Frank, how are things

Frank Ren lowered his head, and

and Frank then sat back next to Janet. She glanced at Frank by

noticed that Janet was looking at him, he winked at her and then continued to

what Janet and Frank had just done,

front of her and took a sip of it, letting her eyelids droop to conceal the confused expression

face was actually Brian.

was again suddenly opened. Daniel and Shirley entered the room arm in arm, which made Janet nearly spill her

wondered why Daniel, who was just a CEO, had come there. He had nothing to do with their dinner

sat next to Janet, and Luke asked the waiter to bring another stool and let Shirley

Daniel greeted Vern. "Granduncle."

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