After Being Cheating

Chapter 191 Regular Pregnancy Check

After a long while, Daniel received a call from Samuel. Samuel told him, "I have sent the IP account and related documents for identification. I found out that the account has been changed. It is not the one Jane used before."

'It has been changed? The man who did this must have powerful and abundant resources.'

While listening, Daniel casually played with the lighter, switching it on and off. 'How did Janet do this?! She left for only more than a month, but she managed to find someone so powerful to protect her. And this person must not be a woman. So Janet is staying with a man!'

With full strength, Daniel became so angry and dismayed that he threw the lighter against the wall. The lighter broke into pieces in no time.

Samuel heard the sound and had an idea of what happened on the other end of the telephone. But he calmly opened his mouth, "Since Jane can send messages to us, she is fine. Ella is much relieved after getting the message."

"But I am not relieved!" Daniel gritted his teeth in anger and said the last sentence word by word.

'How could I be relieved? Janet is staying with a man! I have checked all of her bank cards. Ever since she left, she has never used one of them. She was used to living an easy life where everything would be given to her. So how can she survive during these days? Does she get money and help from that man? If it's really true that she's doing this, she's going to pay for it!'

Samuel said nothing. He knew it was not a good time to blame Daniel. The only task now was to work together to find Jane. This was the most important thing to do.

"I will continue investigating until I find her!" Daniel said reassuringly.

'Jane, do you want to get rid of me? No way!'

The other day, Janet brought cooked food home after work. She read articles online that pregnant women would feel sick in the first trimester.

But she didn't feel sick for a long time. She had been pregnant for more than three months. She began to eat more than before and was willing to eat any kind of meat. It was really strange.

Her baby was growing well in her body. Everyone could tell that she was pregnant if she would wear tight clothes.

When she passed by Caspar's room, a bodyguard stopped her and said, "Miss Shao, my boss asked you to go into the room as soon as you're back."

Janet thought for a little while and then went into Caspar's room.

for almost two months, she had never been to this room.

and saw the living room. His living room

room was not luxurious and dazzling, Janet could see that all the furnishings were expensive.

not an ordinary person. But the unusual thing was that he was willing to

a woman with

and walked towards her. He pointed at Janet's belly and said, "My friend happened to stop by to

What did he mean by

with a gentle smile, "This is a regular pregnancy check-up. Every

and said, "So have

head, "About more

consideration of her baby's health, Janet finally accepted Caspar's offer and

and equipment to the room

and lied on

on a mask and then used the apparatus to scan Janet's belly.

mask and began to put things away. She looked at Janet with a big smile on her

at bed, forgetting what to do next. She

occurred to her that Lola had mentioned that many women of the Si family had given birth to twins.

family's genes are so

healthy? That's my primary concern." Now back from her thoughts, Janet got up from the bed and expressed her gratitude

into its box. Sherry nodded, "Relax, the babies are very healthy. The only problem is that you are a little thin and you should

then she glanced at Janet's room.

added, "You should also eat more

listened carefully and nodded.

to Caspar's room. She noticed that Sherry and Caspar seemed to want to talk, so she went back to her own

to Caspar. Caspar was very surprised to know that

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